Entries by ridkadri

The Dignity of All Persons Under The 1992 Constitution

The constitution states that the dignity of all persons shall be inviolable. This means that no person’s dignity shall be violated in any form or shape. As a rule, no person, whether or not he is arrested, restricted or detained, shall be subjected to further or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. This […]

Mob Injustice

On the 30th of May, 2017, we woke up to the gruesome news that a Captain in the Ghana Army had been lynched by Citizens of a certain town. Several videos have emerged showing Citizens committing the dastardly act. The most shocking of them all is the part of the video that shows a woman […]

Freedom of Association and Assembly

The Freedom of Assembly includes the rights to take part in possessions or demonstrations. It is also a fundamental right given to every citizen. If a citizen is unhappy about things that are going on, the citizen reserves the right to demonstrate against those things. In fact, it is this law that has given rights […]

Fair Trial

In this article we explain to you the principles for Fair Trial that any person accused of a crime should be afforded: Presumption of innocence until proven guilty: This is a fundamental principle of our criminal jurisprudence. Anyone who is accused of a crime should be seen as innocent until the Court establishes that he […]

Arrest and Detention Of a Person

The constitution says that any person who is arrested, restricted, or detained shall be informed immediately, in a language that he understands, on the reasons of his arrest, restriction or detention and of a right to a lawyer of his choice. The important aspect of this is the fact that the person being arrested should […]

Should corruption be legalised in Ghana?

Ghana is blessed with a lot of resources largely categorized under both human and natural among several other endowments, yet we lack behind so far as development is concerned. Why? What could possibly be the cause? The level of underdevelopment that has hit the country can largely be attributed to the emergence of corruption that […]

Ethical Leadership and Ethics must attract National Attention

Developmental efforts have been pursued without adequate attention to ethical leadership and sound work ethics for some time now. The assumption is that if we have the right developmental policies/programmes and the availability of financial resources we will be able to accomplish our developmental aspirations and political manifestoes. Ethical leadership and sound work ethics have […]